It is unfortunate that medical emergencies do occur here at our place of business. If a person is injured, do not attempt to move or aid the victim unless they are in an unsafe area in which they can be further injured or you have been trained in first aid procedures. Instead:
- Call for Paramedics at 9-1-1 (use 1-800-688-8000 if problem occurs on 911).
- Give the emergency operator the following information:
- Company Name
- Address (550 South Hope Street)
- Nearest Cross Street (6th Street)
- Floor or Suite #
- Nature of Emergency
- Location of Injured (if different than yours)
- Your Callback Number
- Company Name
- Call Security at (213) 362-2728.
- Try to make the injured party comfortable (without moving them). If CPR or EMT trained, assist as necessary.
- Gather as much information about the persons’ injury as you can. Signs, symptoms and/or chief complaint.
- Have someone at the elevator lobby on the floor to direct Security and/or Paramedics to the location of the injured party.
Our community fire station, LA City Fire Station #3, is located approximately one mile North of 550 South Hope Street and has always been very quick to respond. Remember calling security is paramount to getting the paramedics to the victims’ location swiftly.