KPMG Center - Office Recycling Program
Click here to download a printable version of the Recycling Program
In 1989, the State Assembly passed the California Integrated Waste Management Act, known as Assembly Bill 939 (AB 939), requiring cities and counties to reduce and/or recycle 50%+ of their trash to help reduce the amount of waste going to landfills.
KPMG Center participates in a recycling program to recover paper, plastic, aluminum and glass products throughout the building, as follows:
- A small recycling container is provided to each desk throughout the office for the collection of recyclable materials.
- Large recycling container(s) are provided to each suite and placed in a centralized location (i.e., lunchroom, copier / file room, etc.) designated by the Tenant. The large recycling container(s) is used for the centralized collection of all recycling materials.
- We ask that each employee participate by emptying their individual recycling containers into the large recycling container, once it becomes full.
- Nightly cleaning personnel will empty the large recycling container(s) and remove the recyclables from your suite, once the large container(s) become ½ full and/or as needed.
The following are tips and guidelines as to which products are acceptable to be recycled, and which are not. Please take a moment to review this information and feel free to forward it on to your colleagues and employees.