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Fire and Evacuation


  1. Safety of Life. If fire is in an occupied room, remove anyone from immediate danger. Confine the fire by closing as many doors as possible as you leave the area.
  2. Notifications. Activate the manual pull station in close proximity to your location.
    • Call the Fire Department. Dial 9-1-1 or dial 1-800 688 8000 if a problem occurs with the 9-1-1 system.
    • When calling, be prepared to give the Fire Department the following information:
      • Building Name (KPMG Center)
      • Building Address (550 South Hope Street)
      • Nearest Cross Street (6th Street)
      • Floor/Suite Number
      • Nature of Emergency
      • Your Call Back Telephone Number
      • Note: Do not hang up until the 9-1-1 operator does so first.
  3. Fighting the Fire. Return and attempt to fight the fire only
    • If you have been trained in the proper use of a fire extinguisher, and
    • You have someone with you, and
    • It is safe to do so.
  4. Evacuation. Begin evacuating unless instructed otherwise by a member of the Building Staff or the Fire Department.


  1. Wedge cloth material along bottom of the door to keep smoke out.
  2. Close as many doors as possible between you and the fire.
  3. Use telephone (if available) and notify the Fire Department of your situation.
  4. If windows are operable and you must have air, open the window. Only break the window as a last resort as it will become impossible to close if necessary.


  1. If leaving a room, feel the door(s) before opening them and do not open any that appear hot. Remember to close doors behind you but do not lock them.
  2. Do not return to your area for personal belongings.
  3. If smoke is present, stay low. The best air quality will be approximately twelve inches (12”) from the floor. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RUN THROUGH FIRE OR FLAMES.
  4. DO NOT USE THE ELEVATORS. If you are in an elevator when the alarm sounds, do not push the “emergency stop” button. If necessary, the elevators will recall to ground level and the doors will open.
  5. Proceed to a safe stairwell and begin to relocate from your floor or evacuate from the building unless told to do otherwise by the Building Staff or the Fire Department.

My Safe Outside Refuge Area is: The west side of Hope Street at the corner of 6th and Hope Street.

Click here to view the Exterior Safe Refuge Map

Fire Drill

A fire drill is held annually and 100% participation is required by law. The drill is intended to benefit all tenants in learning the quickest routes to follow for either a relocation to another floor within the building or an evacuation to an outside safe refuge area. The fire drill is also used as a training tool for building staff and emergency responders.

Emergency Evacuation Procedures for Physically Challenged Individuals

The Los Angeles City Fire Department requires an updated list indicating the name, location and nature of disability of each person who is physically challenged. For the purpose of this procedure, any person with a disability (temporary or permanent) or any condition that would require them to need assistance during an evacuation is considered physically challenged.

Physically challenged may include but is not limited to:

  • Persons confined to wheelchairs
  • Persons dependent on crutches, canes, walkers, etc.
  • Persons recovering from surgery
  • Pregnant women
  • Persons with significant hearing or sight impairment
  • Extreme cases of obesity

Persons who are physically challenged could be further defined as anyone who without the assistance of another person would have difficulty evacuating or relocating to a safe location either inside or outside the building, or would slow down the evacuation of other occupants within the building.

Every individual placed on the physically challenged list must be assured that information provided to Building Management will be kept confidential and is to be used only to provide safe and quick evacuation in emergency conditions.

ASSISTANTS TO THE PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED must be assigned prior to an emergency. Those assigned must know the safe refuge area outside the buildings and know how to best assist the occupant who is physically challenged.

Upon hearing the fire alarm, the assistants and the occupant who is challenged should proceed to the stairwell. Enter the stairwell last and remain on the stairwell landing with door closed - one assistant will notify building staff or fire department of the exact location of the challenged person - Floor # and Stairwell #, and the other assistant will remain with the challenged person until assistance arrives. If conditions become unbearable and further evacuation is necessary, the assistant will assist the person to the outside safe refuge area.

Stairwell Safety Instructions

In evacuating a building, it is important for all occupants to follow safe stairwell procedures:

  • Remain quiet and calm.
  • Remove high-heeled shoes to avoid tripping (carry them with you).
  • Use handrail that is most continuous (usually center).
  • Keep to one side. Walk in single file. Emergency personnel may be coming up the stairs.
  • Move quickly, but do not run.
  • Allow others to enter into stairwell flow, but do not unnecessarily hold up traffic.
  • Provide assistance for those who are slower moving or physically challenged.
  • Relocate to a lower floor or evacuate from the building and proceed to a safe refuge area.
  • All injuries should be treated at stairwell landings when required and safe to do so, so as to allow others to pass.
  • Do not smoke, eat or drink.
  • Do not spread false information, rumors, etc.
  • Complete evacuation. Do not congregate in stairwell

If You Exit onto the Roof: Quickly move away from the exit door to avoid congestion. The buildings have rescue helicopter capability. Stay off the helipad or heliports, and keep others off them as well. A rescue helicopter cannot land with persons on the pad or ports. Should a rescue helicopter approach, kneel down and face away, lowering your head and covering your eyes to protect them from swirling dust and debris. Listen for instructions. Never approach a helicopter from the rear. The pilot’s vision is limited and the helicopter’s tail rotor can be fatal.

Click here to view the Exterior Safe Refuge Map

Click here to access the Floor Warden Manual

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