Introduction Active Shooter Bomb Threat Business Continuity – Pandemic Preparedness Civil Disturbance Elevator Malfunction Emergency Contacts Fire and Evacuation Medical Emergency Power Failure Severe Weather Toxic or Chemical Hazard Water Leaks and Flooding

The Building Management Staff is proud of the facilities and services that provide for the comfort, convenience and safety of all of you who make KPMG Center your professional and business home.

At KPMG Center, the safety of every individual is a primary concern and is the focus of the procedures implemented for providing security and fire life safety. The “Occupant Fire Life Safety Training” program has been designed to provide the building occupants with the procedures they are to follow, at work, in the case of fire, earthquake, evacuation, medical emergency, bomb threats and power outage.

KPMG Center has installed the most sophisticated emergency life safety equipment, including a fully automatic sprinkler system. The systems are designed for advance notification and control of most types of emergencies. Our self-imposed high level of safety has enabled us to meet and exceed today’s rigid requirements imposed by law.

However, the personal safety of every one of us here depends largely upon how we react as individuals to a life safety emergency. The Los Angeles City Fire Code requires all building occupants to complete an online “Occupant Fire Life Safety Training” class within the first 14 days of occupancy and annually thereafter. This training is provided every other week and the annual schedule is available from the Building Management Office.

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